It's okay!

 Not all days are same, not all the mornings are bright and not all evenings are beautiful. There are days, there are times when things are not okay. It's okay!
You might have been angry today or might someone had been angry on you. You would have cried or someone would have cried cause of you. There are smile-less days. It's okay!
The work is still pending and the due date is right there. The durations are always less when compared to our life. It's not too late ever, once in a while is absolutely fine. It's okay!
Relations are getting bitter without meetings and contacts. It's just to have heart to heart connection. Even after years you'll have the same spark of relationship. Priorities change with time but not heart. It's okay!
Not being enough compatible in this world is not the end of you. You're on your great journey with many pebbles on the road and that's beautiful; collect few of them good. You're best the way you are. It's okay!


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