Bread Loaf

Comparison has always been a part of every human or apparently a habit. Here I compare our life with a bread loaf. It sounds weird but it's a fun.
Here I go...
Loaf of a bread appears long just as our life. It fulfills the breakfast of an average person for 3-4 days. That's the only time when loaf is remembered and taken care of. I definitely know I've written some illogical things but it makes sense.
The first day when we open the packet of a loaf we threw the first segment that is our birth time which doesn't make any sense to our life much. It's all about getting pampered and growing till we start going school. Then on the same day we cut loaf into other 2-3 bread pieces which is very fresh and soft. We enjoy eating that pieces. That's our childhood, our school days. There are no flaws in it. It goes smooth and easy with very good burp and satisfaction. No one  gets disappointed.
Now we have got two choices; whether to keep is safe or let it be as it is. We'll see next day how it goes. Next day whatever the condition is but we are going to check if it's stale or not! If we consume it we'll enjoy it for sure but not like the first day. It seems little old as it is some thicken bread piece. That's young age of us, where people will enjoy us but won't be satisfied with us. There are also chances of getting thrown out if the loaf was not taken care of after the first day.
The last but not the least: I'll cut my bread again on 3rd day but with no hope of tasting better and smoothness in every bite I take. It's just I'll have my breakfast for the sake of having. That's the old-age where we are living proper and getting ignored. Our presence will be considered only for the sake of our work we'll give.
On the 4th day bread loaf will be in dustbin even if it isn't stale. We all know what the stage it is and why it is.
Finally the next day some other loaf will take our place and so on..
Now, the question is who is playing the role of the one consuming the whole bread loaf?
It's our society.

There are too many different types of bread loaves. That's where the choices are made by us where to use which. Mould yourself accordingly that it tastes better and unique. Now there you're going to change yourself. That's where it's a process of naming yourself different but your life will be the same no matter what and who you are. It's just we'll be having some name and fame along with value unlike others.


  1. Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent!what an amazing delineation and especially the way you have used Metaphor and personification altogether is really commendable! Various figures of speech have been used keeping in mind the crux of the blog should not be deviated from the core of its gist and its very virtue of significant impact to the society

  2. Keep it up, It Shows your feelings... Harshil


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